Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Turn Fans Into Customers

How to turn FANS into CUSTOMERS!


On my Facebook page, I was asking other CraftPreneurs what their biggest questions or challenges were. One commentor said, "how to turn likes into sales." On facebook you have fan pages, where someone can "like" your page. But, that is all that they will do unless you give them a reason to buy. So, here is my advice on how to turn likes into sales...or fans into customers.

First of all, understand where your traffic comes from. Whether it is a facebook page or a website, you want to know HOW people came to know your page. What incentive did they have to click the "like" or "subscribe" button? If you are doing mass advertising or marketing, such as ladders on facebook, you need to keep in mind how a ladder works. I will explain it as a review to those who know and an explanation to those that do not.

A facebook ladder is basically an exchange of "likes" to fan pages. If I post my link on a ladder, I will get a bunch of people that will click the "like" button on my fan page. In turn for being able to post MY link on that ladder, I agree to go and "like" the other pages posted by other facebook members. Now, this means that I may like craft pages, bands, writers, religious pages, network marketing pages and so on. There is NO focus to this type of activity. Just people wanting more fans to their page. Each ladder has their own rules, but that is the essence of a "like ladder."

There are similar methods to get subscribers to your website such as reciprocating links, meaning that I will post your link on my page if you do the same on yours...increasing traffic to both of our webpages. Again, if you are not targeting your visitors, though, you cannot guarantee that they will buy from you.

So let's say that you have one hundred fans for your page. Now what? Well, first of all, you want to do some "weeding" out by posting only relevant content to your pages theme. In that way, some people will realize the page isn't interesting to them and they will either unsubscribe or just hide your posts. Next, you want to entice your fans to really take a good look at what you have to offer.

For example, my page is promoting my Viking Knit Bracelets. Now, to me, this obviously isn't going to be a product bought for a child. Also, since I only have thin bracelets right now, chances are men will not wear them. Also, since these items are handcrafted, they are more expensive than what you may find at a typical storefront. The BEST way to get your fans attention is to offer a giveaway. Now, because this often is under-rated or over looked, I want to cover how a giveaway should work, and let you take it from there.

How Promotions and Giveaway Work

When doing a promotion on a website that is not your own, be sure to follow the policies and procedures and add a disclaimer that the website is not endorsing the giveaway, nor is it responsbile for any liability. If you host your own website, you do not need to worry about that disclaimer, but either way, you need to cover your butt and make sure the rules of the giveaway are very clear.

  • The biggest mistake people make is giving away crap. Seriously! I once won a prize in a giveaway, and when it came in the mail I have to say I was seriously disappointed. It was a small decal probably 2 inches by 2 inches. THIS was a representation of their business!  So, giveaway one of your BEST pieces.   It doesn't have to be the most expensive or most elaborate.  You have to look at it as a marketing expense, and make sure that it represents you, your abilities and your business in such a way that people will gladly buy from you in the future.
  • Run your giveaway for a very short period, such as a one day gig.  If you are giving away something that is intangible, such as a service, give some more time for people to spread the word, but don't do it for more than a month-people forget or lose interest.
  • Ask for permission to contact them!  Having fans and doing a giveaway is great, but you want to have a way to continually connect with them.  You want them to STAY interested.  And, you want people to experience what you have to offer AND refer others.  The best way is to have them submit their email on a form to be entered, but if you only have facebook, you may have to find another way. 
  • SHARE and REFER  make this giveaway (and every one) a BIG DEAL!  Ask people to SHARE the giveaway and refer others to your page.  One way to do that is to offer an extra entry for EACH referral.  SO, a person enter and gets one ticket in the bucket, so to speak.   They refer a friend and now there are two tickets in the bucket for them. 
  • CLEAR and CONGRUENT  Make sure your giveaway is aligned with your regular product line.  Don't giveaway an e-book on losing weight if your webpage is about learning to play guitar.  It doesn't make sense and will even mislead many fans.
You can easily find some pages that you are a fan of and see who is offering a giveaway.  Look for ways to promote your giveaway with them, IF your audience is similar.  My best friend from childhood makes nursing covers and I make jewelry for women (at present).  Our target audience is very similar...women who appreciate hand-crafted accessories.  So, even though many of her fans may not be exactly my target audience, there is an overlapping there that could help us both increase our customer base when we joint venture in a giveaway.

I would love to hear your feedback and comments and SHARE your giveaway!!!

Keep It Crafty!

Joy Marino

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Artists in Business

Artists in Business

One of the most challenging aspects of being an Artist very well may be finding a way to earn a living from what they create.  Putting all of their heart, blood, sweat and tears in to their craft, allowing passion to fuel their creativity is an amazing feeling. But, we have all heard of the "starving artist" and you may be someone who has been or is currently in a time of famine.

From all my years in business, one thing I have learned is that four most common personality traits.  One is very creative and another is very analytical.  Few people thrive as being BOTH in an equal balance.  So, those artists who struggle to get their business flowing well, are probably not as analytical as is required for running a successful business.

If that sounds like you, I am going to LET YOU OFF THE HOOK!  It is NOT your fault!  Whether you sew clothes, paint, writing, singing, sculpt, create hair bows, wrap wire...whatever you do that you LOVE to do...and do it with creative just can't be great at everything!!  No one is.  So, what do you do about your business then?  OUTSOURCE!!!

Building Your Business

Most creative people have a difficult time with structure, analyzing, organizing, etc.  Not to say that you can't do it, and you might do it very well...but do you LOVE it?  Most likely not!  And, if your business is not organized and structured, you are probably not seeing the profits you envisioned when you embarked on your artistic journey.  You know the feast or famine routine and if you are anything like me, you want it to STOP and feast all of the time!

I mentioned earlier, that you need to outsource.  This by far is the biggest SECRET to success for everyone making big money, in any and every industry on the planet.  How does that work for you?  Well, you need to figure out where your business is falling short and find someone to help.  This person should be AS PASSIONATE about analyzing, organizing and structuring as you are about creating, crafting and being expressive!

Here is an example to help illustrate my point.  A dear friend of mine, Melanie, has an amazing business called Your Karma is Rockin and she creates Vision Boards.  Now, we had a conversation one day about being a mom entrepreneur and all the challenges that presents.  I asked about the business aspects and how she handled them.  She told me that her business partner does all that "stuff".  From marketing, to website, to accounting, promotions, etc.  That leaves Melanie free to CREATE and takes off the pressure of all the stuff she dislikes to do.  Plus, her business partner is proficient and an expert in so many things that my friend is not, meaning that time spent, money invested and results received are far better than if she tried it herself.

My point is to keep creating and do what you do best.  Find others to handle the things you don't do well.  This can be a paid professional service provider or a Virtual Assistant.  You may also ask your spouse, family member, or good friend, but be careful because sometimes this can backfire and/or hurt your relationships. Talk with others in your "niche" to see who they use and recommend.  Don't overwhelm yourself or your budget by hiring a big gun to do everything.  Likewise, you don't want to lose control over your business, you just need some help in the areas where you aren't strong.  Maintain your own passwords, usernames, account information, etc. to protect yourself.

I am passionate about helping others achieve their dreams.  As a Craftpreneur myself, I look forward to sharing tips, strategies, techniques and methods to help other Creatives turn their passion in to BIG profits!  Just because you are an Artist does not mean you have to starve for your craft!  Let's help you make the income you dreamed about when you first began your artistic journey.  Please subscribe to my blog by entering your email at the top right corner of this page.  I have BIG things in store FOR YOU!

Keep it Crafty!


Joy Marino